Improv – Statz-Platz (2012Nov23) by Xper Dunn

Fellow netbots–please help me match some or all of this music to the lyrics below.

No prizes will be given. But you would have braggin rights as co-song-writer–if, indeed, ANY song lies between these notes and these words….

Statz-Platz (“The YouTube Song”)



Rode me down Statz-Platz.

Search hotels I could dwell in.

Linking the hyper– up to all th’-nets

Search-engine’s set to find digital gets.


My i-Pad‘s gone hay-wire;

M’laptop‘s on hold;

My back-up’s still Fire-wire;

I’m grabbin’ coins gold;

My brain’s in some Cloud;

My hotspot’s too cold;

And your ring-tone‘s too loud

If your version’s too old.


Rode me down Statz-Platz.

Look’d in Windowsreal-time

Left my ride, going Hands-Free  to

Truck’d down the Ave.s— Pod’s ear-buds thrummin’

Both m’lungs breathing

In all of that Analog air.


My i-Pad‘s gone hay-wire;

M’laptop‘s on hold;

My back-up’s still Fire-wire;

I’m grabbin’ coins gold;

My brain’s in some Cloud;

My hotspot’s too cold;

And your ring-tone‘s too loud

If your version’s too old.

                                              -Xper Dunn           Jan. 6th, 2013