Lunch and Shopping   (2016Dec23)


Friday, December 23, 2016                                               1:34 PM

The ladies will be having brunch at PJ’s today—although it may be just lunch—we’ve gotten a late start on the day and everything’s sideways, in the best possible way.

Friday, December 23, 2016                                               4:45 PM

Make it lunch, definitely lunch—they’ve just gone an hour or so ago—and Spence has been through with a vacuum to get all the pine needles. We got a nine-footer this year—and it looks grand, just like the old days—way too big for the room—perfect.

Marie was by for a visit last night—and just before, Great-Nana was by for a look at her latest tree-branch. Sen gets along with everybody—she’s a real charmer. We’re all having the happiest of Christmases—except for the new dad—who is stuck at work until after Christmas—it doesn’t seem fair.

But I guess there’s no getting around the reality of being a restauranteur during the holidays—just like performers, this is their rush season. There should be a second Christmas, an unofficial one—about Jan 3rd or so, for all the people that have to work to make the rest of us happy during the holidays.

I remember enjoying going Christmas shopping on the Friday before Christmas—I used to be skinny and quick and I loved to slip through a crowd of people—crowds can be very intimate. But it’s only fun when you’re young enough to think that everyone else’s head is also dancing with sugar plums—I imagined a Christmassy glow coming off all the busy, noisy people, though I imagine some of them were quite grumpy, without me noticing at the time.

And now the girls are back from lunch and shopping! Hooray!

One response to “Lunch and Shopping   (2016Dec23)

  1. Senaca is lovely. I am so glad you are having a joyful Xmas. Tree looks great. I’m curious as to how long you have lived in this abode. Love the pix of you with Sen.
    Thoughts on your email back to me; it’s great you have the computer and you get enjoyment from it. As I have said, I think you would make a great paid columnist.
    It’s important I stay upbeat so some of comp use is great for me and some I don’t like a lot. I blocked some FBer’s for their persistent hatred.
    I was emotional over my murder comment due to the news bringing us a tragic story of a man who couldn’t find his wife and 2 daughters. A wall of deadly fire glowing in the early evening came over the mountain ridges. They were high on the mt and man was blocked by first-responders on going up there. They died, along with 11 others in what I felt was a very frightening event. We know stuff happens but when the heart strings tug, well, stupid words can come out. I wanted to clear that up.
    It brings a smile to my face to know you are having a good holiday. Cherish.
    All well in Asheville…..min

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